Monday, May 14, 2007

President-esque Part II - Things I have in common with past Presidents

Part II in this series examines the many shared characteristics, experiences and hobbies I have in common with presidents 11 - 21 (1845 – 1885).

James K Polk, as president, expanded the borders of the United States to the Pacific Ocean. The Pacific Ocean is one of my favorite oceans.
Zachary Taylor
was the first president not previously elected to any other public office. I too have not previously been elected to any other public office. Taylor’s nickname was “Old Rough and Ready” or as his close friends called him “Double R.” My nickname in junior high school was “Double G.”
Millard Fillmore was one of six Presidents born in a log cabin. I grew up playing with Lincoln Logs.
Franklin Pierce was the first president to memorize his inaugural address and recite it from memory. I am working on memorizing my inaugural address.
James Buchanan was a Pisces. I am a Pisces.
Abraham Lincoln
was over six feet tall. I too am over six feet tall.
Andrew Johnson was Vice President before becoming President. I was Vice President of my junior high school.
Ulysses S. Grant is pictured on the $50 bill and can be found in Grant's Tomb. I like $50 bills and have visited Grant’s Tomb on several occasions.
Rutherford B. Hayes was the first president to have a telephone in the White House and had a Greyhound dog named Grim. I support the use of telephones in the White House and have ridden on Greyhound buses.
James A. Garfield was the first left-handed president. I am left-handed.
Chester A. Arthur was nicknamed "Elegant Arthur" for his fashion sense. I have been told that I have an elegant fashion sense.


Goldie said...

Like Abraham Lincoln and Ulysses S. Grant, you repeat the same letter 3 times in your first name.

Like Millard Fillmore, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson and Lyndon B. Johnson, you repeat the same letter a total of 4 times in both first and last names.

Goldie said...

Like Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan, you are also known for using product in your hair.

Gregg said...

Craig, you are an astute student of history, the alphabet and hair products.