Thursday, February 7, 2008

One Step Closer.....

Eleven months ago when I launched this exploratory committee for the presidency there were 18 people running for president. Now as we draw closer to my official announcement we are down to six! I congratulate and thank these former candidates for their contributions to the democratic process and for not standing in the way of my nomination for President.

Former Senator John Edwards (D)
Senator Joe Biden (D)
Senator Chris Dodd (D)
Governor Bill Richardson (D)
U.S. Representative Dennis Kucinich (D)

Former Governor Mitt Romney (R)
Former Mayor Rudy Giuliani (R)
Former Senator Fred Thompson (R)
Former Governor Tommy Thompson (R)
Former Governor Jim Gilmore (R)
U.S Representative Duncan Hunter (R)
Senator Sam Brownback (R)
U.S. Representative Tom Tancredo (R)
John Cox (R)


EvolutionRules said...

Your congratulations and thanks to Senator Mike Gravel are premature.

Senator Gravel is most definitely not a former candidate for the Democratic nomination.

He is very much still in the running and anyone who doubts that may check his web site at:

I just heard Senator Gravel speak in Los Angeles on two occasions, yesterday and last Saturday. He spent the days between those engagements campaigning in San Francisco.

Senator Gravel says that he intends to remain in the race for the presidency up to the end. I voted for him in the California primary and I intend to give Senator Gravel my vote on November 4th!

Gregg said...

My apologies to Senator Gravel regarding the status of his campaign. Thank you Evolutionrules for speaking up. Might I suggest you check out my postings "Things I have in Common with Past Presidents."

Perhaps then you will consider voting for me on November 4th.

Be well,